
In 2012, the company set up a professional R&D team and invested special funds. It took two years to successfully develop the NC-1300 multi-functional cement slipform paver, which was put into the market in early 2014, and won unanimous praise from both old and new customers and peers.

恩平市| 铜川市| 华宁县| 来安县| 祁东县| 沾益县| 湛江市| 山西省| 巴南区| 闽侯县| 湟源县| 双城市| 金沙县| 元朗区| 五大连池市| 凌云县| 沁源县| 改则县| 新竹市| 夏津县| 杭锦旗| 岚皋县| 睢宁县| 江口县| 灵石县| 孝感市| 贡山| 若羌县| 朔州市| 无锡市| 尚志市| 河西区| 江西省| 青州市| 雅江县| 绥宁县| 永川市| 文昌市| 邛崃市| 从化市| 卫辉市|